At A&M-Commerce, you will become a member of our physics teacher and broader STEM teacher community consisting of future and current teachers. We offer two routes to physics teacher preparation. The route that is best for you depends on where you are on your educational journey.

If you have not yet earned a bachelor’s degree or would like to earn a second bachelor’s degree, enroll in the B.S. in Physics with Teaching Emphasis program.


If you have already earned your bachelor’s degree, you can enroll in our Alternative Certification program. To strengthen your physics knowledge at the same time, you may concurrently enroll in our M.S. in Physics with Teaching Emphasis program.

Choose Your Path

Teacher Preparation Programs


(Only Offered Online)

B.S. in Physics with Teaching Emphasis

This four-year program provides you with expertise in physics and physics pedagogy along with a community of physics teachers that will support you throughout your career. Earn either 7-12 Physical Science certification or 7-12 Physics/Math certification.

Course Requirements

  • Core physics courses: You will learn about mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves and optics, quantum mechanics, and thermodynamics.
  • Teaching and Learning Physics: Experts in physics education research will teach you about this exciting research field and the associated pedagogical content knowledge needed to become a great physics teacher.
  • LeoTeach course sequence: You will join fellow future STEM teachers in learning about best practices in STEM classrooms including project-based learning. These classes include teaching in high school classrooms.

Noyce Scholarship Program

All future STEM teachers at A&M-Commerce are eligible to apply for the Noyce Scholarship program. Your final two years of school, you will earn up to $11,500 in scholarship funds, which is generally enough to cover tuition. You will also have the opportunity to conduct physics education research and attend national conferences.

Teaching Experiences

  • Become a learning assistant: Teach alongside faculty in undergraduate courses you have recently completed. This is no ordinary undergraduate tutoring program. You will take a pedagogy seminar and learn to integrate education theory with practice.
  • Student teaching: In your final two semesters, you will teach in local high schools, alongside mentor teachers. We will use available funding to pay you for this time spent teaching.


  • Workshops: You will participate in workshops three times per year that bring together current and future high school STEM teachers to develop lesson materials and discuss important issues facing teachers.
  • Mentorship: We will assign you a practicing teacher as mentor, who you will get to know at our workshops and correspond with throughout the year. Your mentor will stay with you after you graduate and continue to support you in your first few years in the profession.

Alternative Certification and M.S. in Physics with Teaching Emphasis

Our alternative certification program and M.S. in Physics with Teaching Emphasis programs are both offered fully online. Courses are asynchronous so that you can complete them on your schedule.

Alternative Certification

You can earn either 7-12 Physics/Math or 7-12 Physical Science certification through this 1-2 year program. Time requirements depend on how many courses you take per semester and how you do your student teaching.

Course Requirements

  • EDCI 514 Management and Curriculum Development for Diverse Learners
  • EDCI 517 Reading and Learning in K-12 Content Area
  • EDCI 519 Response to Intervention Applied to Exceptional Learners
  • ETEC 524 Intro to Educational Technology
  • RDG 516 Foundations of Reading
  • EDCI 515 Evidence-based Teaching

Teaching Experiences

  • 30 hours of observation: Observe in classrooms in your local area.
  • 16-week unpaid student teaching or 1-year paid internship: While teaching, you will take EDCI 515 where you will reflect on your teaching experiences. The university can arrange student teaching, or you can find a 1-year paid teaching position.

    Before applying to the Alternative Certification program, complete the TExES content test in physics. This will allow you to certify in either 7-12 Physics/Math or 7-12 Physical Science. If you do not yet have sufficient content knowledge, we encourage you to enroll in the M.S. Physics with Teaching Emphasis first.

M.S. in Physics with Teaching Emphasis


This two-year program will deepen your content knowledge and expand your understanding of what it means to know physics. In addition to learning traditional physics content, you will learn about the history of physics and modern research applications. Most importantly, you will read articles from the physics education research literature and gain physics pedagogical content knowledge. This program satisfies the requirements of accreditation agencies to teach at the community college level, including in dual credit programs.

Course Requirements

  • PHYS 526 Quantum Mechanics: Analysis and Applications

  • PHYS 530 Mathematical Methods: Analysis and Applications

  • PHYS 531 Classical Mechanics: Analysis and Applications

  • PHYS 532 Electromagnetism: Analysis and Applications

  • PHYS 535 Thermodynamics: Analysis and Applications

  • PHYS 561 Astronomy and Astrophysics: Analysis and Applications

  • PHYS 536 Computational Physics: Analysis and Applications

  • PHYS 595 Research Literature and Techniques

  • 12 credit hours of electives in other STEM fields or education


Each of our courses involve active discussion boards connecting current and future high school physics teachers from around the world. This provides ongoing community support to learn the content collaboratively and have wonderful discussions around integration of the newly learned content into the educators’ own classrooms. Approximately 30 students are enrolled in each course at a time, and students form a tight-knit community.

Combine this program with the Alternative Certification program to become the best physics teacher you can be!

Our Team

Robynne Lock

Robynne Lock,

Associate Professor
Department of Physics & Astronomy

William Newton

William Newton,

Associate Professor
Department of Physics & Astronomy

Melanie Fields

Melanie Fields,

Assistant Department Head and Associate Professor
Department of Curriculum & Instruction

Clay Stanfield,

Director of LeoTeach
Department of Curriculum & Instruction