Physics is the most in-demand content area for teachers nationwide. You can get a job almost anywhere as a physics teacher.
Science teachers report having higher or equivalent overall job satisfaction compared to other STEM professionals. There are few things in the world that will make as big of a difference in someone’s life as a great teacher.
Have fun with exciting experiments, profound ideas, and vibrant people. Teachers rate their lives better than all other occupation groups, trailing only physicians.
Earn a good salary with good benefits, job security, professional development opportunities, and a great community of colleagues. There are student loan forgiveness programs and scholarships for physics teachers.
It is intellectually and creatively stimulating. Physics teachers are given creative license in their classrooms to engage students with some of the most exciting modern theories being advanced by scientists today.
Teachers have a great work-life balance. Flexible summer schedules enable teachers to travel, spend time with friends and family, and recharge for the next school year.
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