To the high school physics teachers of Texas:

You know that teaching is one of the most rewarding and challenging vocations. Teachers are required to perform a dizzying array of tasks that draw on a wider variety of skills than are required in almost any other job. We are tasked with preparing the future of the nation.

But the obstacles placed in our way are many, and multiplying. We don’t need to face these
challenges alone. If we high school physics teachers can come together with physics education students and university faculty invested in physics teacher preparation, our collective knowledge can strengthen each and every one of us, and collective action on important issues at the state level can be taken.

Now, there’s a place to do just that.

The Texas PhysTEC Regional Network

The Texas PhysTEC regional network aims to make these connections by providing a place where information about events that bring together teachers across the state can be found, including professional development workshops, physics education programs, and physics departments that are invested in supporting students.

We additionally aim to provide a way you can link with students and college faculty to support more students in becoming physics teachers. Indeed, we have already held a number of workshops attended by all parties discussing state-level issues, including engaging community colleges in physics teacher preparation and smoothing over certification pathways, coming together to find funding for pre-service and in-service teachers, dealing with the challenges and opportunities of online learning, and tracking changes in state physics curriculum (the TEKs).

These aren’t the only things we do, but they’re some of the most important. As we grow, we will continue to improve the Texas physics education landscape, and your help will be integral. Work with us, and we can create a better world for educators and students alike.

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